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Drink from the Fountain of Grace
Throughout Scripture and today, God sustains God’s people in the most basic of human ways – physically, with food and drink, and spiritually – with food and drink for our souls. This Lent, as we remember what it means to be human, we find refreshment from God’s fountain of grace. The different images of cups shown in Scripture will serve as a touchpoint for exploring aspects of our relationship with God. What does our brokenness say about us? What does discipleship look like? What does it mean to seek justice? This exploration culminates in the most exciting celebration of all – that Jesus is risen for us and we have new life in him! Designed for Lent 2022.
Ash Wednesday: The Cup of Fasting | Isaiah 58:1-12
Week 1: The Broken Cup | 2 Corinthians 4:5-11
Week 2: The Cup of Living Water | John 4:7-29, 39
Week 3: The Cup You Choose | Psalm 16
Week 4: The Cup of Discipleship | Matthew 20:20-28
Week 5: The Cup of Compassion | Matthew 25:31-46
Week 6 Option 1: From Empty to Overflowing (Palm/Passion Sunday) |
John 12:12-19, Psalm 22, Psalm 23
Week 6 Option 2: The Overflowing Cup | Psalm 23
Holy Thursday: The Cup of the New Covenant | Matthew 26:20-29
Good Friday: Jesus’ Cup for Us | Matthew 26:30-27:66
Easter Sunday: The Cup that Never Runs Dry | John 20:1-18
Purple Theory
Designed for Lent.
Habits and routines help us stay on track in many areas of our lives – whether it’s our physical, mental, or emotional health. They can help us grow in our spiritual lives too. In this series, we will explore several spiritual disciplines, or faithful habits, that can help us deepen our relationship with God. Lent is the perfect time to commit or recommit to a spiritual discipline, as we enter a season of self-examination in preparation for Easter.
Ash Wednesday: Self-examination | Scripture: Psalm 51:6-12
Week 1: Prayer | Scripture: Romans 8:26-27
Week 2: Scripture | Scripture: Psalm 1:1-3
Week 3: Fasting | Scripture: Matthew 6:16-18
Week 4: Confession | Scripture: 1 John 1:5-9
Week 5: Worship | Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:31-33
Palm/Passion Sunday: Silence | Scripture: Mark 14: 26-41
Maundy Thursday: Love One Another | Scripture: John 13:1-17, 31b-35
Good Friday: Scripture: John 18 & 19:1-30
Easter Sunday: Gratitude | Scripture: Luke 24:1-12; 52-53