This stewardship series focuses on the countercultural, often radical way that Jesus calls his followers to relate to their resources, financial and otherwise. This way of relating stems from a relationship with Christ, shaping values and an identity that come alive in daily action to transform our relationships with others and the world.
Week 1: Who Are You? | Romans 12:1-2
Week 2: Who Are You Wearing Today? | Colossians 3:12-17
Week 3: Love in Action | James 2:14-18
Week 4: Authentic Loving, Authentic Giving | Matthew 22:15-22, 34-40
COMING SOON for Fall 2025
Included Materials:
Series Components
Series Guide & Worship Liturgy
Preaching Resources
Children’s Moments Resources
Small Group Guides
Mission Engagement & Ideas
Graphics Bundle
Social Media Graphics
Slide Deck
Supporting Graphics & Images
Canva Templates:
Invite Postcard
Worship Bulletin
Social Media Graphics
Create a free Canva account and edit the design to customize for your church’s brand and worship service.
Sermon Bumper Video
Pre-Service Countdown
Motion Background